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Calvin on Promptness

Calvin on Promptness

by Michael Cochran

Knowing God’s will is one thing. Often times we know what we should do. The harder part is putting into action what we should be doing. Calvin, preaching on Acts 5:17-21, speaks about the ways in which the Apostles obeyed (even to their own peril) the words of the angelic messenger. It’s a message for us today. We, like the apostles, are called, commissioned, and commanded to obey. And, not just obey, obey promptly! Here is Calvin in his own words:

In fact, their promptness in obeying God is made even clearer when the text says that 'they entered into the temple early in the morning.' From that you can tell they did not spend a lot of time discussing whether it was a good idea to go or whether the time was right. No, no! Following what the angel said, they come to the temple early in the morning to obey what was commanded them. They do not wish to be governed by their own wisdom. They choose only to fulfil the command to the best of their ability.

So let us learn from their example not to be wise in ourselves or to do what we But let us be wise and allow God think is good. to govern us. In fact, the whole of our wisdom is in allowing God to rule over us SO that we will not pamper ourselves by doing as we please, as well as in finding God's commands good and in revering his word so that as soon as he speaks we will not balk but do our duty by obeying what the apostles him in what he says. That is did, and that is what Paul is talking about when he praises the Colossians for listening to and receiving the gospel as soon as he preached it to them (Col. 1:3-6). We do not need a lot of time before obeying God. When he receive what speaks we must each be ready to he tells us for our own good. And let us not put it off from one day to the next, but as even soon as he makes his will known, let us realize he also wants us to comply immediately. Let us be careful not to do as will is but many others, who know what God's say, Yes, he must be obeyed', but are always looking for excuses. Yes', they say, 'there are great difficulties in doing one's duty towards God. I know I am bad, living the way do. I know am on the way to hell. But look! I am taking into consideration how difficult it is to do what I know God requires of me.' That, I say, is how men take the opportunity to turn from the straight path even though God has favoured them by setting them on it. And how remiss they are in doing what they know God asks of them! That is not the way we are to respond, but 'early in the morning', 'early in the morning'. That means that as soon as God commands a thing, we are not to put off doing it until the next day!

Citation: Calvin, John. Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles 1–7. Trans. Rob Roy McGregor, The Banner of Truth Trust, 2008: 239-40.

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