
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

GR:UK is so gruk

GR:UK is so gruk

by Darren Moore

I have to confess at times, despite being a founder and contributor to GR:UK, I find some weeks hard to keep up with our content. I thought something is probably wrong when I go to find our content on Google. However, in doing so I found that ‘gruk’ is a word with a few meanings. We had no idea, there was not a lengthy meeting to decide on the name.

‘Gruk’ is a Danish word (pronounced grook) for an aphoristic poem or rhyming aphorism by Piet Hein. Find examples here. Why not write one on a Reformed theme and post it on our Facebook page? We may think of a prize for the best one. Free entry to our next online conference … maybe!

It also happens to be something in the World of Warcraft and a Star Wars character - he is a green Gamorrean pirate(!)

According to the Urban Dictionary the second most common use is to ‘pass wind’. The most common is an insult, to be ‘uncool’. What … us? Uncool? You know the sort of person who might just know what a Gamorrean pirate is and what colours you might find them in.

Perhaps we are. Myself knowing the difference between American and British hops, Michael with Star Wars, Andy with 1980s Welsh rugby scores, Michael with the Marvel Universe, Josh with country music, Michael playing the Ukulele/mandolin (all poorly).

We are certainly geeks. For some of us our first books we read were systematic theologies. We have no desire to follow whatever is en voguein Church fashions, far less world fashions. It feels like 1 Corinthians is an extended warning against such things. Being a little grukmay mean you are a free thinker, discussed here from a non-Christian point of view. Although it seems the Reformed faith is making a comeback. With Covid restrictions we can still pull off a half decent service (don’t need whiz bang) and seems to be drawing more from a younger demographic, especially men, and across various “classes”. Maybe it’s a kind of church version of geek sheek? 

 We did not know the word before, but our kids knew that we were gruk all along. Maybe in time it will be added to the urban dictionary: “(verb) to promote historically Reformed doctrines, ideas and world view and to promote works rooted in them (often whilst poking fun at one’s co-worker).” Whatever it is, we aim not to be a load of wind.

 PS gruk should not be confused with gruck (with a ‘c’). Which apparently means ‘bad luck’. As Calvinists we do not believe in ‘bad luck’. It is a period of unfavourable providence used to mature us.

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