
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

GRUKology Episode 14: The Problem of Suffering - Answering the Question

GRUKology Episode 14: The Problem of Suffering - Answering the Question

In part 3 we finally get around to answering the question why is there suffering.

In today’s episode last week’s online conference, Zoomutopia: Suffering and the Glory of God is mentioned. Watch for the audio and video to be released this week on gr-uk.org.

Also, Andy discusses Porter Harlow’s video about church planting in Burke, Virginia. You can find that video here: https://youtu.be/CTlug3QlEYw

And you can learn more about Porter’s church plant here: cpcburke.org.

Cities of Refuge & Me

Cities of Refuge & Me

Zoomutopia Announcement 5

Zoomutopia Announcement 5