
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

Help from the Past & Coronavirus | Part 2

Help from the Past & Coronavirus | Part 2


What to pray about a contagious disease?

In part 1 we thought about what to pray, generally, during times of disease and pandemics. I commended Matthew Henry’s way of praying that is rooted in Scripture and claiming promises that God has made. I plugged accessible versions  - you can buy it here for UK, and here for USA and online here. For a contemporary internet resource, go here.

Over the next couple of posts we will consider, with help from the past, how to pray for specific groups of people. I am thinking of those who are ill, not just from Covid-19, but anyone at this time when our health services are stretched even more than normal. 

 Some prayers that help us shape our own prayers:

For those who are sick

  • Bring before the Lord our concern for the sick and praise him for his concern. Pray for the elders of the church that they may pray in faith and comfort the sick — Mark 2:2-5; Acts 5:15, 16; James 5:14; 15

  • O Lord Jesus, when you were on earth, people with all kinds of diseases came to you and you demonstrated authority over them, just by speaking they were made well. You have that same power today. By prayer we bring our sick friends before you. — Matthew 4:23, 24; 8:8, 9; Heb 4:15; Luke 5:18

  • Draw the afflicted to seek you. May they trust you, who govern life and death. Deliver, sustain and restore to health. Bring them from distress and look mercifully on their affliction. — Job 5:6-8; 2 Cron. 16:12; Deut. 32:39; Psa. 41:1-4; 25:16-18

  • Gracious Lord, do not chasten those who love you in your holy wrath. Have mercy, heal and restore because of your unfailing love. Bring no greater trial than they can bear. — Psa 6:1-4; 1 Cor. 10:13

  • Keep those who are sick from despising you. Let them endure your rod and like David acknowledge you. Grant them good from their evil. — Heb 12:5; Mic 6:9; Lev 26:41; 2 Sam 16:11, 12.

  • Lord, show them why you contend with them and humble them before you as their God. Help them to repent. May their sickness make their heart better. — Job 10:2; 2 Chron 33:12; Jer 18:11; 1 Cor 11:21; Eccles 7:3.

  • Make your face to shine upon them, save and comfort them. Let their souls dwell at ease even while the body lies in pain. Remember they are nothing but dust. May the eternal God be their refuge. May his everlasting arms be underneath them. — Psa 31:16; 2 Cor 7:6; Psa 103:14; Deut 33:27

From Matthew Henry, “A Way To Pray” ed. O Palmer Robertson, (Edinburgh: Banner, 2010)  pp. 251-252.

For a fuller version go here.

The Next Step

If recovery looks certain

  • That they may know who restored them and live to praise the Lord with gratitude — Job 23:10; Psa 119:175; Isa: 38:16, 17; Matt 8:8, Ezek 16:6, 8: Matt 26:39; Acts 21:14; Psa 138:8; Rom 14:8

If they appear to be at the point of death

We are a sinful people, a people weighed down with guilt. We and our children are utterly corrupt. We have good reason to weep before you over the abominations regularly committed among us. Because so much iniquity abounds, the love of most has grown cold. Yet in your grace you hae not forsaken us. — Isa 1:4; Ezek 9:4; Matt 24:12; Jer 51:5

Pray for the outward peace and tranquillity of your nation, and the continuation if its liberty. Ask for God’s abundant blessing on the fruitfulness of your land.

  • That the Lord would strengthen their heart and be clearly present with them.

  • That they would not forsake the Lord now and know him as an ever-present help.

  • For them to be comforted and assured that Christ will present them perfect before God the Father because of his saving work, so they can face death without fear.

  • For hope for our inheritance without death or tears.

Psa 73:26; 32:1, 4; Heb 13:5; Psa 46:1, 31:5; 1 Pe 4:19; Luke 16:22; Eph 5:27; Acts 9:59; Heb 12:23; 2 Cor 5:8; Luke 23:43; 16:25, Rom 6:7, Job 21:33; 1 Thess 4:17; Rev 21:4

From Matthew Henry, “A Way To Pray” ed. O Palmer Robertson, (Edinburgh: Banner, 2010)  pp. 252-253.


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