
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

Revolt Against Reality

Revolt Against Reality


Revolt Against Reality is an in-person conference for everyone hosted by Emmanuel North London Church. And yes, you read that correctly … not online, not live-streamed, not on Zoom or YouTube … real people in a real place gathered in reality for a conference that can only be described as unreal(!) The aim is to equip Christians to better understand the times we live in, especially as the culture propels itself into further sexual confusion, crass materialism, and faith in technology. How should we then live? What will the Christian calling like in the midst of this revolt against reality?

Steve Hayhow is the Pastor of Emmanuel North London Church and renowned for having the widest hairdo centre parting of any Christian minister in the Western world. Andy Young has a revolting reputation and so was an ideal candidate to speak at this conference. Rumour has it that he was so desperate to appear alongside Steve that six figure sums were exchanged between certain offshore Cayman Islands bank accounts.

For details on how to register and attend - see the image above. Here are the titles of their talks with some blurb to explain them:

1.     What is the Revolt Against Reality? by Steve Hayhow

What are the trends of The Revolt? We explore the emerging trends that all distance us from God’s created reality and the goodness of our bodies.

2.     The Revolt Against Humanity by Andy Young

What does this mean for our sense of identity and our growing idolatry in an iSelf World? Why are we obsessed with identity? How have we lost who we are?

3.     The Revolt Against Suffering by Andy Young

Pain and purpose in a trouble filled world. We are becoming less able to accept these realities, how can Christians become more resilient for these times?

4.     How can we Recover Reality? by Steve Hayhow

What key truths will strengthen us for our times? What will a truly embodied discipleship be like?

Hosea & The Fear of God

Hosea & The Fear of God

Calvin on Worship

Calvin on Worship