
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

Year End Popular Content (or who won?)

Year End Popular Content (or who won?)

We all write and produce content here to glorify Christ. But I mean, we all hope that our content has more views than the other guys. So how did we do for 2020? Or, who won? It depends on how you look at it. In the end, actually, none of us won!

If we take out our coronavirus posts it breaks down as such:

The posts are

* When I originally wrote this up, before the actual year end, Andy was dead last and managed to secure a sweeping come-from-behind victory pushing me (Michael) into last place!

If we add back in the Coronavirus posts it’s a different story:

This time the posts are:

**In all honestly, Josh and Michael probably rode on Andy’s coat-tales

What was the most popular blog post though?

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Johannes Mullers' Thoughts On Worship after Lockdown with 494 page views!

The Insanity of the Gospel

The Insanity of the Gospel

Zoomutopia 5: Conference Videos

Zoomutopia 5: Conference Videos