
Watch live, 13 July at 7pm

The 5 Solas (onlies) of the Reformation were an easy way to understand the major distinctives between the newly emerging Protestant Reformation and the entrenched Roman Catholic Church. Many of these Solas would be repudiated by Rome herself when the Council of Trent was finalised during the Counter-Reformation.

Our aim is to tackle them in a succinct fashion (5 minutes!) and then allow some time for Questions from our (supposedly) expect panel. Join us as we dip into a tiny bit of theology and reformation history in our 5 Solas with 5 Blokes* in 5 minutes.


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sola scriptura

Jack of some, master of none, Darren Moore tackles one of the most foundational principles to Protestant Theology — ‘Scripture Alone’ as our ultimate authority.

Date: June 8 (Tuesday) – 7pm

Panel: Jim, Josh, Phil


Sola fide

Our own resident hipster and graphic designer Michael Cochran will be trying to do something useful for once by taking on ‘by faith alone’.

Date: June 22 (Tuesday) – 7pm

Panel: Jim, Josh, Phil, Darren


sola gratia

Josh Rieger, who is not actually a hound dog, contrary to whatever Elvis says, is taking on ‘grace alone’ as we look at salvation as an entirely gracious act from a gracious God.

Date: June 29 (Tuesday) – 7pm

Panel: David, Andy, Darren, Phil


solus christus

The Rev David Pfeiffer who has contributed some outstanding blog posts for us now sits in the hot seat to help us understand ‘by Christ alone’.

Date: July 13 (Tuesday) – 7pm

Panel: Jim, Michael, Steffan


Soli deo gloria

Our own preaching ‘Bach’, Andy Young, will be wrapping (not rapping… at least we hope not) this all in a nice bow, with ‘to God Alone be the Glory’.

Date: July 27 (Tuesday) – 7pm

Panel: Darren, Doug, Michael



6:55 - go live, chat, welcome people

7:00 - brief introduction to our speaker and panel

7:05 - speaker gets 5 minutes exact, “start time” to explain

7:10 - Q&A with the panelists

7:30 - Opening Q&A up to audience

7:40 - closing and next date

 * In order to avoid infringing on the great burger chain we chose to go with the more colloquial ‘bloke’. But we rejoice that the unnamed burger place has made it to the UK as the British have a sordid history of trying to make hamburgers — signed, the resident Americans.