
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

An Interview with Lee Shelnutt of the ARPC

An Interview with Lee Shelnutt of the ARPC

Recently we had Rev. Lee Shelnut with us in the UK! He is a minister in the US with the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church ». He is also involved with their mission agency World Witness ».

World Witness currently has two men serving with the EPCEW: Drew Goodman in Wales at Christ Church Presbyterian » and GR:UK’s own Michael Cochran in England. Lee was also the minister under whom Michael trained at Huntersville Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church ».

In this interview, Andy and Lee discuss the history of the ARP denomination and their involvement in the United Kingdom. Please pray for the ARP and their work at home in the US and abroad as they seek to be faithful to the Great Commission to see churches strengthened and planted across the globe!

**Michael’s hat was, thankfully, never stolen.

An Interview with David Strain (part 1)

An Interview with David Strain (part 1)

What is Reformed Theology?

What is Reformed Theology?