
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

The Presbyterian Network interviews GR:UK

The Presbyterian Network interviews GR:UK

The Presbyterian Network (the Quarterly magazine of EPCEW) sat down with Andy to ask about GR:UK. It gave us a chance to explain a bit about how GR:UK came about and what GR:UK is endeavouring to do. Here is the interview in full:

[Presbyterian Network] Hi Andy, thanks for taking the time to speak to us today! Recently, you have been involved in setting up a new initiative called “Gospel Reformation: UK”.

What led you to this new venture?

GR:UK is the culmination of a number of things. One of the catalysts was the need to raise the profile of Reformed church plants in the UK for the purpose of seeking financial support, especially (although not exclusively) across the pond in the USA. Another was some informal discussions I had with a few EPCEW Ministers about the need for a UK based Reformed and Presbyterian podcast, ‘blog’, and ‘vlog’. We agreed that social media could be used to both promote EPCEW and advance the doctrines of grace that are so vital to the Reformed faith. A final factor was a desire to reach across ‘denominational borders’ and seek to encourage and publicise the church planting endeavours of the Free Church of Scotland, the International Presbyterian Church, as well as our brothers in Northern Ireland … and of course EPCEW! It amazes me how many people I meet who are eager to worship in Reformed churches but know so little about any of the Presbyterian denominations in the UK. I am also very conscious that in reality the Reformed world is tiny in the UK and so the need for us to foster closer relations, and cheer on other denominations’ churches, is really very great. 

What really got GR:UK kicked off was a fund-raising trip to the USA that Josh Rieger (of Hexham Presbyterian Church fame) and I made in the Summer of 2019. We shot a slightly ‘tongue in cheek’ video diary whilst on our travels and realised how easy it was and how much people seemed to enjoy it and learn about church planting in the UK. Since then we have roped in Darren Moore (Chelmsford Presbyterian Church) and Michael Cochran (ARP Missionary to the UK), and we hope to involve others as well. We have no desire for this to be ‘self-promoting’ or partisan. If you are Reformed and Presbyterian then we want to have your input! We would love eventually to shoot videos and interviews, or publish blogs and podcasts, with all of our Ministers, and especially Church planters. Really the venture is only just beginning – and who knows where it will lead? If in some small way we can encourage Reformed church planting in the UK then we will be very happy men!

Tell us more about GR:UK and what it is all about.

GR:UK’s goal is to see the recovery of Reformed, Confessional and warm-hearted Presbyterianism in the UK. We simply want to highlight and promote church planting and encourage Christians in their walk with Christ by doing the following things:

  • make available helpful resources for teaching

  • raise awareness and highlighting financial needs

  • foster mutual encouragement within and across denominational boundaries

  • promote prayerful support

The main way we are trying to achieve this is through our website, Facebook page and Twitter account. We are using social media to draw people’s attention to church plants and planters, and to encourage Christians to pray and support them. We are also shooting a variety of videos – interviewing church planters, teaching on key issues, and informing about various needs. In addition we want to encourage men to contribute blog posts and articles, as well as recording some podcasts on relevant topics to do with all things church planting. 

How can we be praying for GR:UK?

The need is great, and the opportunity greater - for the gospel to advance in the UK, for sinners to be saved, and for the Reformed faith to be revived. To that end please pray, not so much for GR:UK, but for the current church planting work being done across the UK and Europe. Pray that the Lord would bless and establish church plants that they may quickly become self-governing, self-funding and self-propagating. And do pray for more church planters to be raised up, and more church plants to start!

If readers want to find out more about GR:UK, where can they go?

The best place is to check out our website: www.gr-uk.org, Facebook - @reformationuk and Twitter - @gospelrefUK.

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