
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

Prayer and Coronavirus

Prayer and Coronavirus

by Josh Rieger

At our midweek Bible study and prayer meeting this week there was a great question asked, “how can we pray in light of the Coronavirus?” This is just the way Christians should be thinking as we listen to the news and hear all of this breathless panic talking about outbreaks and pandemics. So, how do we pray? Well, there are three ways, at least, that we should pray.

First, pray for the church. This has affected our brothers and sister in Christ around the world in a multitude of ways. In places like China and Italy the governments have already significantly restricted public gatherings to stop the spread of the disease. It may be that some of Christians are not able to join together on Sundays for worship. I read a report from one church planter in Italy whose congregation met by video-link this past Sunday. The church planter mentioned that it was hard for many in the congregation as they had to miss the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Other fellow Christians might be struggling with the disease themselves or have those in their family who are ill. So, pray for our fellow Christians and their struggles.

Second, pray for the spread of the gospel. Throughout history outbreaks of disease have provided opportunities for the spread of the gospel. In the Great London Plague in 1665-1666 there were many opportunities for the nonconformist ministers who had just been expelled from their churches 3 years earlier to minister to the sick and dying when the conforming ministers had already fled the city for their safety. It was a great opportunity for the gospel. When people are fearful and facing potential death God often uses than to soften their hearts to the good news. Pray that though many are dying physically, many more would find life in Christ in the midst of the spread of this disease. We may never, on this side of heaven, hear of the ways God has worked in the midst of this in places like Iran that are so resistant to the gospel.

Third, pray for the disease and those suffering from it specifically. Pray for the doctors treating the ill. Pray for their wisdom and their own protection. Pray that the casualty count would be limited. Pray that those working to find a vaccine or a good treatment plan would have wisdom. Pray that the Great Physician would heal the sick and guard those who are healthy from falling ill.

As we consider this virus and our role, don’t just pray for yourselves and your family, but think about the many ways we can pray for the work of God in the midst of this.

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Learn more about Sunderland EPC

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Three Marks of the Church