
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

Three Marks of the Church

Three Marks of the Church

A while ago we did a video about the centrality of the Church. It’s not a bolt on to our faith, but central to what God is doing. But, what is a Church? How would I know I’ve been to a (proper) church?

Historically there are 3 marks to look for:

  • Word: read and faithfully preached

  • Sacraments: administered properly.

  • Discipline: what do we even mean by that?

Watch below to find out what to look for and how you can make a huge impact in your local church.

Prayer and Coronavirus

Prayer and Coronavirus

Learn more about Immanuel Church in Brentford (IPC)

Learn more about Immanuel Church in Brentford (IPC)