
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

Upcoming Events in the UK

Upcoming Events in the UK

We have a twenty something’s conference and an apologetic talk about Jesus and other religions.

Saturday 20 March 2021 at 11am

“Jesus & Other Religions”
with Dr Rohinton Mody

Watch live on Chelmsford Presbyterian Church’s YouTube page.


Keystone: A Conference for Christians in their Twenties

26-27th June, Saturday 9 am - Sunday 1:30 pm
St Anthony’s Hall, York

Keystone social media.jpg

Zoomutopia 6!

20 April, 7-8:00 pm

Click the image to learn more but make sure to put the date in your diary!

Click the image to learn more but make sure to put the date in your diary!

GRUKology Episode 32: The Return of Christ

GRUKology Episode 32: The Return of Christ

Who am I?

Who am I?