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an online conference
for Women everywhere!


Transformed by Christ is an online conference for Christian women everywhere. After the success of our first Women’s Conference True Women for Christ in October 2020 (see here for the videos), GR:UK has been inspired to put on some more. Our goal is simple - we want to encourage Christian women to be women who live transformed lives for the Lord Jesus Christ.

To watch the conference simply click on one of the two links here:

To watch on YouTube click here: Watch 'Transformed by Christ' on YouTube

To watch on Facebook click here:

Saturday 13th march 3-5 PM (GMT)

The Conference is FREE and Registration is now open!

To register click on the button below …

We have produced a Conference Brochure with the itinerary, talk outline, and much more included in it. To access the brochure click here:

Why call the conference ‘Transformed by Christ’?

The reason for the title and theme of the conference is simple: our main speaker Karen Hodge has authored several books. One of them is entitled Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver. And so we have unashamedly (and with her permission!) used the title of her book as the main theme of this conference. Not only do we want to encourage Christian women everywhere to get and read this book, we want to encourage you to be women who are being transformed by the life-giving work of Jesus Christ. We hope to inspire Christian women to live transformed lives by and for Jesus Christ. Whether you are 14 or 140 - or anything in between - this conference is for you!

How does it work?

Once you have registered (see the ‘buttons’ to register above & below) all you need to do is save the date and time in your diary and sit tight. In the lead up to the day, and an hour or so before the conference on the day, you will receive emails with the links to join the conference. You will have the choice of watching via YouTube or FaceBook. We will also be posting the links to watch the live-stream on this page on the day. 

When Saturday 13th March finally dawns, simply make yourself a cup of your favourite brew, take a seat in the comfort of your own home, and enjoy watching the conference live-streamed. And by ‘live’ streamed we mean it will be as ‘live’ as possible. Nothing will be pre-recorded, the speakers will at the moment you are watching actually be speaking. Feel free to also add comments on YouTube – we love to hear from who is watching and where you are from! Please also submit questions for the final Q&A session (how to do this will be made clear on the day). 

Who is speaking?

We are very excited to have Karen Hodge as our main speaker (see below for more about her). We will also have some live interviews by women and with women from varying stages and walks of life. These will explore what it means to live transformed lives for Christ in a variety of contexts. Finally, we will have a Q&A panel with Karen Hodge, Connie Miller and others.


karen Hodge

Karen serves as the Coordinator for the Presbyterian Church in America’s Women’s Ministry, where she seeks to connect women and churches to one another and to sound resources. She is also having the time of her life serving alongside her husband, pastor and best friend Chris, as they plant King’s Cross Church in Fort Mill, SC.

Chris and Karen have two adult children, Anna Grace Botka and Haddon Hodge. She is the host of the enCourage podcast and along with Susan Hunt, authored Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver and Life-giving Leadership.

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Evangelical Bookshop once again is providing our digital bookstore. Visit their site below for books from the conference.

What is the timetable? (times are BST)

3-3:05pm: Welcome & Notices by Phil & Julia Haines

3:05-3:10pm True Women for Christ - a personal reflection by Julia Haines

3:10-3:25: Transformed Stories with Davinia Young & Philipa Kalungi

3:25-3:55: Karen Hodge - ‘Transformed by Christ: Life-taker to Life-giver’

3:55-4:10: Transformed Stories with Bethan Pfeiffer & Mandy Wilkes

4:10-5pm: Q&A Panel Discussion with Karen Hodge, Connie Miller and other Ladies