
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

Introducing Susan Hunt

Introducing Susan Hunt

We at GR:UK are very excited for two related reasons: first on Saturday 3rd October from 3-6pm (BST) we are hosting our first (of hopefully many more) Women’s Conference. It is online, free and for all Christian women everywhere. Second, we have Susan Hunt booked as our main speaker for this conference. 

Susan is well known across the pond in the US of A. She is a popular women’s conference speaker and a well- loved author. However, we are conscious that she is not so well known in the UK, Europe, and possibly in other parts of the world. So in advance of the conference we wanted to introduce you to her a little. 


Among the many books she has written we would encourage you to check out these two especially: 

The True Woman: the Beauty and Strength of a Godly Woman. In this book Susan explores what the Bible has to say about the mission of true woman for God. Contrasting the ‘true woman’ with the ‘new woman’ she draws the reader to understand the Biblical and Christ-centred identity and virtue that women are designed for, and called to. Our conference title and theme is inspired by this book and we encourage you to buy at least two copies – one to read for your self and another to give away. 

Women’s Ministry in the Local Church is co-written by Susan with J. Ligon Duncan. In this compelling book they lay out, among other things, the need, biblical foundations and practical outworking of developing a God-honouring ministry to and by women in the church. This is a must read for men and women alike. 

If you have not heard Susan speak and teach then you are in for a treat! She is earnest, humble, and self consciously Biblical. Here are a few publicly available YouTube videos you can check out in advance of the conference to get a flavour of what is coming: 

Here Susan speaks about her passion for Titus 2 Mentoring: 


Here Susan teaches at a recent ‘Revive our Hearts Conference’ on the topic of ‘Aging Beautifully – at All Ages’


Finally, you can listen to Susan discuss ‘Life-Giving Leadership’ on ‘En-Courage’ podcast here:

John Owen: A Giveaway

John Owen: A Giveaway

John Owen on the Glory of Christ: A Paradigm for Preaching

John Owen on the Glory of Christ: A Paradigm for Preaching