
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

Cage Stage Calvinism: Or Why Reformed Folks Are the Worst

Cage Stage Calvinism: Or Why Reformed Folks Are the Worst

by Michael Cochran

In the theology nerd world (which, I’ll admit, is a very small world), Reformed folks are the worst. What I mean is, a theology that touts total depravity, unconditional election, and Luther’s ‘Simul Justus et Peccator’ should breed humble, God glorifying, Christ exalting men and women.

The key word here is should. Instead, some Calvinists can be arrogant, dismissive, unloving, and judgmental!

So who do I have in my crosshairs? Who am I singling out as acting like someone with all knowledge and no heart change? All head, no heart?


If any man thinks ill of you, do not be angry with him, for you are worse than he thinks you to be..png

Cage Stage Calvinist

It's funny because it's true.


Why would newly minted Calvinists be better off in a cage? For some reason, when folks get introduced to the glories of Reformed theology, some of them can become so zealously enamoured with their new understanding that they become jerks in their knowledge!

How does this happen?

Well, first, it's simply human nature to want to shout from the rooftops when you discover something that is revolutionary (think of a friend on a new diet). You want others to experience what you have experienced! Then as the importance of knowing that knowledge, on a spectrum, grows, it goes from wanting others to know, to needing them to know, to looking down on them for not knowing!

Or at least, that's how it happened to me. Don't get me wrong, I still think Reformed theology is all that and a bag of crisps. From my reading of the Bible it does the most justice to God, Christ, and the Spirit in relationship to man.

On the other hand, Reformed theology doesn't save you. Jesus Christ does. I know plenty of devout Christians who disagree with me on things like the extent of predestination, gifts of the Spirit, and the end times. I'm sorry they are wrong (I kid, I kid…sort of). But we can still be friends.

Reformed theology has so much going for it. It should produce dependent, humble believers who are simultaneously bold for evangelism and preaching. It should produce people who are soaked in the Word, prayerfully filled with the Spirit, constantly looking at their own failings, and humbly going back to the mercy seat of Christ, while all the time joyfully trusting in a God who has a plan and is executing it!

So I'm glad for tomorrow where Ligon Duncan will be preaching on the topic of Reformed and Always Reforming. Because while it's good to be labelled “Reformed,” it's better to act like what we confess to be true! In the words of the tax collector:

Have mercy on me, for I am sinner!

Join us for Zoomutopia 4 tomorrow at 7 PM, Ligon Duncan preaching on Reformed and Always Reforming.

Z4: Book Giveaway

Z4: Book Giveaway

Zoomutopia 4: Trailer

Zoomutopia 4: Trailer