
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

Geneva Skittles Set

Geneva Skittles Set

Here at GRUK we want to promote not only new Reformed planting works, but an entire theological framework and way of seeing the world that penetrates church culture and beyond. To that end it gives us great pleasure to release our GRUK branded Geneva Skittle Set, following John Calvin’s favourite past time.

The rules are simple:

  • Minimum 2 players - to form a covenant community

  • Players bowl the ball at the skittles - which fall as pre-determined in eternity past.

  • All players confess that they deserve to lose and are unworthy of winning - sin affecting even our past times.

  • A winning score is freely imputed to each player.

To win a free Geneva Skittle Set text “ELECT” to GRUK (mobile number 07144000), available until noon 1st April 2021.

Or if you purchase a Set today you get a 50% discount on “Reformation” grooming products.

For our American audience: skittles is basically bowling and not to be confused with the rainbow candy.

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